
Born on January 7th, Vénicia Guinot is certainly one of those young inspiring media personalities from Africa who started their companies with next to nothing. Starting from scratch at the age of 23 with a single wish, keeping her late father (Marcel Bavouéza-Guinot) legacy alive was her only desire. And she has, since 2009, worked hard to be recognized as a Multimedia Journalist holding the titles of Publisher, Media Entrepreneur, Executive Producer, Radio Host and Influencer. Guinot boasts a formidable career that has seen her become one of the most influential figures of Africa.
Guinot began her career in publishing in 2009 as a South Africa based Correspondent for various publications such as AMINA MAGAZINE in France, VENTURES AFRICA in Nigeria, FOLK MAGAZINE in Norway, CUISINE NOIR in the U.S etc., and at the same time, working towards launching her own magazine. The daughter of a late renowned Congolese Humanitarian, Julienne Mankassa, who worked for the United Nations (UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO, PAM and PNUD) for more than fourteen (14) years, Guinot has spent a part of her formative years in Brazzaville, Congo during her undergraduate years and as a recipient of the WINROCK INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR GIRLS initiated by the ex-President Bill Clinton before deciding to move to South Africa at the age of 17 on her own.
Her leadership style is primarily visionary and consistent with her entrepreneurial background. Currently, she serves as the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of TROPICS MAGAZINE, the first bilingual magazine from Africa published in both English and French and which serves a 700,000+ worldwide readership on four (4) continents: Africa, Europe, America and South Asia. She oversees the publication and also holds all its worldwide licenses.
AFRICA DILIGENCE magazine, a business and economy intelligence magazine based in France, has recently listed her among the “Top 100 Young African
Leaders” (October 2015) that everyone should know about. Guinot was one of the 100 young leaders who were put in the hot seat to share strategies that would help develop the African continent in the years to come, if each African President agrees to implement these precious ideas to boost their respective economies. During the same month, she was appointed Senior Executive Member by the MIRIAM MAKEBA FOUNDATION in South Africa with the likes of the respectable H.E. Dr. Nkosazana DLAMINI-ZUMA, Winnie MADIKIZELA-MANDELA, Graça MACHEL, Angelique KIDJO, etc.
Guinot is one of Africa’s youngest power-players in the media industry who is looking forward to changing the way Africa handles its own image and her ultimate goal is to use each media platform to its advantage. She founded the TROPICS MEDIA GROUP, a sought after media group based in Johannesburg, South Africa, that manages a portfolio of international brands, magazines and digital products. Combining a mix of professional leadership development and business strategy, Guinot works with both professionals and companies to use communication as an effective tool to reach the masses and to “pave the way forward” for the next generations. ◘
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