
“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it”
Sonia Poleon is a Life Coach, Mentor, Business and Communications Trainer, published Author, Consultant and Inspirational Speaker. She is also an Entrepreneur and Business Start-up Coach.
A self-motivated person, Sonia is passionate about inspiring others to live their best life realising their fullest potential. She is committed to helping people grow personally and professionally.
She believes that life and experience are our biggest teachers and that the challenges in our lives strengthen us and true strength comes from overcoming life’s hardships without surrendering.
With her practical knowledge, personalised strategies, positive attitude and outgoing personality, she enjoys empowering people to pursue their dreams.
Sonia started her career as a receptionist and her journey to her present status saw her moving into the Housing industry where she was a secretary, Housing officer and housing investigating officer. During this time, she achieved her first degree in Housing Studies. With her skills and knowledge, she decided to go into business for herself and set up a Letting Agency.
As Sonia struggled with high childcare costs for her twin sons while juggling work and motherhood, she had the brilliant idea for a nursery. She acquired a degree in Childcare and Management. This enabled her offer other parents a valuable and affordable service for their children so that they didn’t have to face the challenges she did. Today, Sonia’s nursery is a haven for children whose parents can focus on work, confident their precious little ones are in safe hands.
Her experience with her first business in property management inspired her to invest in properties. The insights, corporate experience and business acumen gained along the way sparked her passion for sharing her knowledge via seminars. Through these, she taught people how to invest in properties and also helped her clients identify investment properties.
As Sonia approached midlife, she explored more ways to give back to the community. Today her generous, approachable and empathetic nature and her love for personal growth fuels her passion to help others believe in themselves and achieve their goals.
Sonia’s passion – unlocking people’s potential
Driven by her passion and her own life experiences, Sonia believes that “if you can dream it, you can achieve it” and dares you to dream. For close to 2 decades, she has empowered women to unleash their dreams to discover their life purpose and live a fulfilled life with her master classes.
As a Business Start-up Coach, Sonia offers business and communications training to corporate clients and the general public. Using techniques she focuses on soft skills including communication, effective listening, presentation skills, attitude management, time management, behavioural training for critical thinking, problem solving, goal setting and team building. Besides these, her training also covers
stress management and emotional therapy sessions. Her highly acclaimed training programs are presented through classroom sessions and lively interactive discussions that help participants develop the skills they aim for.
Sonia’s motto:
“You are a diamond and it’s time to shine!”
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