Professor Anionwu is one of the all time women who continue to inspire a generation. Throughout her time practicing Nursing, she continued to set the pace. At the time when sickle cell was a strange illness to many, she was one of the first professionals to educate the Black and African communities on the nature of this disease. For over two decades, she continued to selflessly educate both the masses and would be healthcare professionals .
A great woman she is, she pushed, founded and pioneered, the creation of Mary Seacole centre in UK. Till date her published works continue to be relevant for the training of health professionals both in Nursing and other sectors. A woman to be honoured . We are proud to associate with a great woman of colour of all time.
“Prof is one of the first women began to read about and came to cherish so much. It’s like a dream come through to finally have the opportunity to honour this great woman. She is not just great in achievements, she is also great with a humble, warm and down to earth heart. “- Faustina Anyanwu (Founder Divas of colour).
On receiving the notice of the recognition she says, “”My sincere appreciation to the organisers of the Divas of colour International women’s Awards for this splendid award they have decided to honour me with. It is a wonderful personal affirmation and a great boost to morale! Thank you very much.”
About the works of Professor Anionwu:
Professor Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu, PhD, CBE, FRCN
Elizabeth is the Emeritus Professor of Nursing at the University of West London and is a qualified nurse and health visitor tutor who has held senior executive roles at various organisations. She was appointed as the first ever UK sickle cell/thalassaemia nurse counsellor and was Head of the Brent Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Information and Screening Centre from 1979 to 1990.
Elizabeth was a senior lecturer in Community Genetic Counselling at the Institute of Child Health at the University College London, and was the Dean of the School of Adult Nursing Studies & Professor of Nursing at University of West London. She established and was Head of the Mary Seacole Centre for Nursing Practice, again at University of West London. On her retirement, Elizabeth was honoured with the award of Emeritus Professor of Nursing.
Elizabeth has had articles published in many journals. In addition she is co-author with Professor Karl Atkin of the book ‘The Politics of Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia’ published in 2001 by the Open University Press and is author of the 2005 book ‘A Short History of Mary Seacole: a resource for nurse and students’ published by the Royal College of Nursing.
Elizabeth is a member of various committees including the Editorial Advisory Board of Nursing Standard including the NHS Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Screening Programme Steering Group.
She is Vice-Chairperson of the Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Appeal and is a Patron of the Sickle Cell Society and the Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK and Vice-President of Unite/Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association (CPHVA).
Elizabeth was awarded a CBE in 2001 and in 2004 a Fellowship of the Royal College of Nursing (FRCN). In 2010 she was inducted into the Nursing Times Nursing Hall of Fame for services to the Development of Nurse-led Services.
Elizabeth is the mother of Azuka and the grandmother of Rhianne.
Professor Elizabeth Nneka Anionwu, PhD CBE FRCN
Emeritus Professor of Nursing, University of West London
Vice-Chairperson: Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Appeal
Patron of the Sickle Cell Society & Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association UK
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