London, 28/01/2015. Miss Diana Tambe founder Africa Fashion week Amsterdam and Emily Blake winner Miss British Beauty curve confirmed to join Alicia Thornton founder Afrodeity Limited to find this year’s Diva face.
Every year on Divas of colour, we are on a search for the confident talented young woman to become the face of Divas of colour. The segment – Diva Face pageant this year sponsored by Afrodeity makers of the luxury, C. Hub magazine and Fashion Fair cosmetics. As part of helping establish a career part for young female models, together with Afrodeity, the winner becomes the face of Joliette, wins a cash prize of £250 and a cover feature on C. Hub magazine among other things. Diva face is also our major arm of taking our cause campaign further, especially this year with raising awareness on Depression with Depression Alliance, our chosen charity.
This year’s Diva face winner is expected to be someone who is passionate about championing the awareness campaign on depression as well as being a beautiful face, she has to be articulate, bold, well spoken and able to stand on any platform. The judges this year have a lot to do in finding this young Diva face to fit into these roles.
Speaking Faustina Anyanwu founder Divas of colour says, “I’m quiet happy with the judges on board to finding our perfect Diva Face. Diva face is not just another beauty pageant, but a purposeful one that will go a long way to benefit both the young woman, the brand, and our chosen charity – Depression Alliance. And I can’t think of any more suitable individuals other than lovely and experienced Diana and Emily. We’re on the good part on this one. ”
Diana Tambe, Blackpearl, Award-Winning Fashion designer, Model, Stylist, Events Organizer, and Business Tycoon. The founder of Africa fashion week Amsterdam, owner of a bespoke fashion design company known as Blackpearl’s Secrets. She designs high-end designs mostly for celebrities but occasionally also does design for the general public and retail. From her internet platform Blackpearlsecret.com, she gives people with an eye for the latest fashion trend, a chance to order online any design trend they want produced at affordable prices.
Fashion Tv has named her “THE BLACK PEARL OF THE FASHION WORLD” At twenty-six years old Diana Tambe is synonymous with talent, elegance and intelligence, mix of qualities that makes this young Cameroonian one of the biggest highlights of the fashion world in the netherlands.
Blackpearl enterprises (Her company) also provides bookings for Photo-shoots, catwalks, movies, music videos, events hosting and product promotion. She recently with her team, has organised Fashion Shows for +237 Elegance, The Voice Awards, NABC Ambassadors Dinner, and has presented her collections on platforms like: The New Fashion Society, London Fashion Week, Africa Fashion Week Amsterdam.
Emily Blake winner Miss British Beauty Curve 2014, a professional presenter for stage and screen with a passion for engaging with her audiences and making an event as professional and enjoyable as possible. She is known for her positive energy, ability to connect with people and her relaxed manner.
Emily also won the title of Miss British Beauty Curve in July 2014 and holds this title until August 2015. During her reign she plans to empower women, not just other curvy woman, but all women, as she believes everyone deserves to feel confident and fabulous.
Emily works as a freelance presenter, travelling the country hosting and judging shows, and she also gets to work from home too, demonstrating products for various companies. You are likely to hear Emily’s voice in adverts and promotional videos as she works as a voice-over artist alongside her presenting. At the age of 25, Emily has worked with many industry professionals and is building a great reputation, receiving amazing feedback from directors at channel 5, QVC and ITV. Other presenters in the industry have also stated that she has ‘a gift in presenting’ and ‘has definitely got what it takes’. Her professionalism and natural ability in-front of the camera is always commented on.
About Divas of colour.
Divas of colour is the largest gathering of world’s most powerful women of colour from around the globe. A special day to celebrate, recognise and reward the best of women of colour. 2015 event will be held on the 21st of March at Hilton Hotel Docklands Riverside London. Divas of colour was launched last year in commemoration with the international women’s day, now in its second instalment, Divas of colour has fast become one of the most prestigious platforms for women in general.
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