
Placida Acheru is one of UK’s top business accelerators, mentor and brand visibility strategist. Founder of Coaching4Excellence and Unleashed Women’s Network. She is dedicated to guiding others toward taking charge of their lives, breaking through roadblocks to systematically transform their everyday into the power to create wealth.
This extremely determined and driven individual is empowering women across the globe to be independent, gifting them the knowledge and passion to transform their lives. Overcoming her own personal obstacles such as growing up in Nigeria with sickle cell anaemia, allows Placida to use her own story in training programs to create motivation and encourage others, with full attendance at her seminars. Her social media reach is now in excess of 100,000 and recently Placida launched her own online magazine- Her Inspiration, reaching 680,000 in its first week.
Placida shows her clients how to properly apply successful business fundamentals of running a company from Planning, Mapping, and Financial strategies to gaining the motivation to push forward. When working with her, one acquires offline and online marketing strategies, discovering and maximizing the opportunities that come their way.
She is a straight talking Business Coach who helps clients get laser focused on their goals.
Placida has been featured in digital prints (People.co.uk), TV shows (Sky 182 Ben TV, OH TV, The Sporah Show) She’s also on the list of Top 100 Most Influential Black People on digital/social media drawn by eelanmedia.com
She is also a radio host, Keep Your Dream Alive Radio featured on Itunes.
“Placida is one of those rare people that are top notch in all she does. She has drive, dedication to learning, and is passionate about sharing her wisdom with other entrepreneurs. As a Diamond Member of her Mastermind group, I am impressed with her attention to detail, her organization and business vision. She is a mentor to me in many ways. When I am discouraged or confused about a strategy, she always aids me in getting out of my confusion and I am encouraged by her belief in my abilities and that leads me to be bold and my best. I respect her as a conscientious business woman and highly recommend her as a coach” ~ – Jane Morrison: Executive Coach- Reinventing your Career
“Placida is one of the most captivating coaches/presenters I have had the privilege of experiencing. Her eternal optimism is underpinned by a fabulous sense of humour/humanity against compelling business acumen. She is a strong networker and great asset to any forum she graces with her presence.” – Marie Augustin – Education Management Professional
“Placida is an excellent coach that drives her clients to perform beyond even their own expectations. She delivers real results. When it comes to social media branding, you don’t need to look anywhere else. An accomplished public speaker and event organizer, she’s the ideal professional partner for any business owner and executive looking to move to the next level.” ~ Saheed Adegbite – Director, Budget and Organizational Development at International Fund for Agricultural Development
“In the short period of time that I’ve known Placida, I found that I found a “gem” and “guru”. Her ability to help any business profit from the Internet is remarkable.
I would recommend anyone who desire to take their business to the next level to contact Placida. If it’s profit you want to generate, she can do it for you. She can take you from being a local business to having an international presence”~ Kenneth Varga
CEO at The Insurance and Financial Advisor Marketing Group
“I met Placida when she organised and hosted a special meeting in London for organisers of groups hosted on meetup.com. She introduced us to Scott Heiferman, the CEO of meetup.com. Her professional and personable presentation motivated me to attend further meetings and seminars run by her which proved very valuable.” Frankie Sinclair- Web Content Manager at Royal Mail
Event and website links
1. http://placidaacheru.com
2. http://coaching4excellence.com
3. http//unleashedwomensnetwork.com
4. http://placidaacheru.com/visionactivation
5. http://placidaacheru.com/stepup
6. http://herinspiration.co.uk
7. http://womanunleashyourpotential.com
8. http://placidaacheru.com/hire-placida/speaker/
Please see Linkedin Profile for more information.
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