Pearlwoman August issue cover graced by Serena Williams.

The world at her feet, Serena Williams continues to dominate the world of Tennis.
However, it’s not just the world of Tennis that’s being dominated by women. Politics and world leadership is now women’s footstool as you will find in this highly  loaded quality content issue.
Pearlwoman cover
Women are finally taking their place in world leadership. Cover graced by world no.1, Serena Williams, we bring you detailed and intelligent views on different areas where women have moved another step further.
From Theresa May, to Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton, women are unapologetically changing the rule of the game.
We did not leave out fashion too as in this time, masculine dressing is no longer a woman’s definition of power dressing and has nothing to do with establishing a woman’s authority and or professionalism.
Despite the progress, women are still vilified and abused in several cultures. Check out our hot topics on the discussion about childlessness.
On beauty, we take a look at the top 8 natural skincare brands you must try out now and they’re all so sweet. Hard to decide which is the bomb. See for yourself.
This is the issue you must read. All free, available on print, online and app store. –
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