Press Release
Pully Pushy &Trappy (A tale of three opposite friends) by Faustina Anyanwu released February 28th 2015.
London, 21 January, 2015.
Title updated 22 January, 2015. – Trappy Pully & Pushy
Faustina Anyanwu (aka Fauntee), the Nigerian UK based children’s writer has finally launched herself in the ranks of notable children’s authors with this articulately hilarious story book. Kids are going to fall in love with it. The story is amazingly funny, easy to read and understand, has great message told in a fun and child friendly way. Pictures are colourful and tells the story a great deal such that even zero old babies will enjoy it.
Pully Pushy and Trappy illustrates a happy outlook to life which resonates with children . A tale of three opposite friends, each with his own personality and temperament, yet they will find a way to to get along very well. What is fascinating is how they can’t do without each other.
Trappy, the smarty small funny monkey wakes up early in the morning, seeing the bright sun, knows it’s a beautiful day after all’. In his boisterous manner, he jumps off to go get his friends. At each point, their difference shows, at the same time bringing out the fun bits of their friendship. There, adventure begins.
Faustina is a prolific writer, to her, stories form themselves in her head and she simply arranges them on a paper. She started writing at an early age, with poetry her major focus, and was somewhat diverted to study Nursing and Midwifery as its a norm in Nigeria to study traditional professions. Not until 2012, she returned to her passion to take up writing more professionally . She is at the moment the co-founding editor of C. Hub magazine (the first and only Afro-creative magazine in the UK) which has in less than 2 years won the best magazine of the year (BEFFTA 2014), she released her first children’s book in 2012, published by Authorhouse. She has been nominated for Media woman of the year 2 times at Women4Africa, nominated at National Diversity awards, Nominated for media personality of the year at Black African Women Rock award, nominated at Nigerian UK based achievers award (NUBAA) and a few more to mention. She is also the founder of Divas of colour International women’s day (the largest gathering of world’s most powerful women of colour launched last year attracting top personalities and celebrities from around the world.
Faustina says, “I see writing stories as a calling. I started making up stories at the age of 6. Then, I would make up stories and tell my siblings unending as they laugh and laugh. Then my attention was diverted when I went on with Nursing . Thankfully, I finally found myself back here where I belong. Writing is like my get away especially children’s story as I still feel inside like a child. I haven’t really grown past 12 years in my mind.”
Press Images are available to download
Editors Note
Release date : 28 February, 2015.
Edition: Paperback
Size: 24 pages
Publisher: Faunteewrites Limited.
Language : English
Genre: Children’s fiction.
Now on pre-order : www.fauntee.com
For interviews and or enquiries please contact the press team
Vivian : pr@mbwpr.com – Africa
press@fauntee.com – UK and Europe
Reginald@fauntee.com – US
UK office: 02035321354.
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