London, UK, January 7 – Lebara Mobile announces its sponsorship of Divas of colour 2015 as part of its commitment to the community. Lebara mobile backs the event for the first time as the event enters its second year.
Divas of colour in just two years has become one of the most prestigious awards for women of colour from around the world. Speaking, Faustina Anyanwu founder Divas of colour says, “Lebara is one of the most used mobile services used by people of colour especially in the UK. Every single house hold has a minimum of two Lebara mobile lines. I’m so thankful to Lebara for stepping up to sponsor our event, it shows how much committed they are in caring for their core customers. ”
Lebara is a leading European mobile telecoms operator enhancing the lives of migrant communities. Lebara provides Pay As You Go mobile SIM cards and related products and services customised to serve the international communities in seven European countries and Australia calling around the globe. Customers have recognised Lebara for being trustworthy, honest, simple and offering great value.
Lebara has been recognised for its innovation and business success as well as its best in class customer service through several industry awards including the latest Best MVNO, for five consecutive years, and Best Community and Social Enterprise, for two years running, at the Mobile News Awards 2014, Best MVNO at the Mobile Industry Awards 2013 and 2014, and Best Large Contact Centre at the European Call Centre and Customer Service Awards 2012 and 2013.
Lebara is committed to giving back to the communities it serves through its Foundation, established in 2008. In five years, the founders have donated over €11 million to help protect and educate more than 200,000 disadvantaged children in 11 countries, including Nigeria and Ghana, where Lebara customers have family and friends. To find out more about Lebara mobile visit : www.lebara.co.uk
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