Faustina Anyanwu
Author, Editor, Proof reader, Media consultant, Brand manager, Public Speaker (Business and motivational)
Faustina can best be described as simple, humble and spirited, self-motivated achiever. The nurse midwife who has in the last four years unleashed her creative talent to change what you hear and read about Africans, Caribbeans and the entire Black race. Faustina is an inspirational woman with a vision and passion to influence a positive identity for African heritage.
She is the co-founder of Faunteewrites publishing, the Co-founder and Chief editor of C. Hub magazine, founder of MBW PR, Co-founder & Chief editor of Pearl Woman magazine and also the founder of Divas of colour International women’s forum.
When Faustina arrived in UK, she quickly was moved to do something about the heavy negative media narrative about Africa, Black people and especially women of colour. She immediately began her first blog promoting the positive attributes and achievements of Black women. On discovering that so many Black women had small businesses and needed help with PR and branding. The blog was converted to a PR and branding agency, now MBW PR.
With her husband, Emeka Anyanwu , Faustina Co-founded C. Hub magazine in 2012, which is the first and only Afro-creative magazine in the UK, in just 4 years, C. Hub magazine has become one of the most powerful voices of Afro-Caribbean creativity in the UK and beyond. Has been generously awarded both in the UK and the US. And has a readership of over 200,000 per month. Within the C. Hub magazine brand, they have created the most prestigious award for Africans in the UK – CA award (Creativity Award) with audience of high rated personalities, and international celebrities.
In 2014, Faustina founded Divas of colour International women’s forum. The largest gathering of world’s most influential women of colour from around the globe. The forum which celebrates the best of women of colour is a whole day gathering includes activities such as conferences, fashion and trade shows, and award dinner. The platform every year focuses on issues affecting women, working closely with their chosen charity in raising awareness and funds.
Faustina is a regular face on reputable national and international media. She has been featured on the front page of The Voice newspaper in UK as women succeeding against all odds. She was also featured alongside MP Diane Abbott as one of Black women doing it in their Sisters doing it for themselves series. She also speaks on why she wants to honour Black women. Faustina was also named at number 8 in the African Doers listing by Tropics Magazine. Faustina speaks exclusively with Naija Living magazine on her journey as an entrepreneur.
She has been shortlisted to receive two awards in the US in September for , Influential woman of the year and Extra-ordinary editor of the year at the Extra-ordinary people’s award. She is also a known voice at speaking out against racism and underrepresentation of women of colour.
Faustina vehemently refuses to accept the narrative that Black history should be based on slavery alone. She argues that, it does not only undermine the achievements and contributions of Black people , it also creates an aura of inferiority and low self esteem for the young generation.
Represented by MBW PR
Contact: 02035321354.
Email : PR@mbwpr.com
Twitter: @Fauntee
Faustina speaks on Diversity Documentary
Faustina on ABNTV Houston USA
Faustina on Insight of an Author show (formerly Ramblings of and Author)
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