press release
London , 10/09/2014. 9.30am
Fashion Fair UK cosmetics brand to sponsor the Diva face pageant on the Divas of colour International women’s day 2015. As part of the sponsorship promise, Fashion fair will exclusively up to 3 make-up artists and makeup, providing product give away worth up to £300 (hamper), and include the Diva Face winner within their social media. Fashion Fair will also be carrying out a makeover/workshop on the free entry trade show section of the event in the day among other things.
Fashion Fair is the most desired and most recommended cosmetics brand for the woman of colour. For many decades, Fashion Fair has catered for the beauty of women of colour from around the globe. It remains one of the most respected and used cosmetic brand by coloured women .
Faustina Anyanwu the founder of Divas of colour says, “We are massively grateful and delighted to have Fashion Fair support the initiative. Again and again, we’ve seen Fashion Fair demonstrate leadership, love and care in things that relate to women of colour. This is the one brand that is true to its word which is diversity in its truth. Their involvement with the 2015 event is a massive boost and motivation for us and we can only say thank you. If other brands that target women of colour can show their support in this way, then all the money, time and energy women of colour spend on their products will be well worth the while. As such, I urge women of colour to take this opportunity to show support even more to this one brand that has their wellbeing at heart, come out in numbers this year to attend the free tradeshow and exhibition on the 21st of March 2015.”
Divas of colour is the largest gathering of women of colour from around the globe. It is a special day set aside to celebrate, recognise, reward and discover great contributions of women of colour. Activities include – Trade show and exhibition (Day section)which is a free entry for buyers , and the evening section which includes the fashion show, pageant and award ceremony. Divas of colour International award is the most prestigious and recognised award for women of colour around the world. The global award seek to include every woman of every walks of life to motivate, inspire and celebrate the best of women of colour.
Diva face is the pageant part of the award ceremony in the bid to discover aspiring models who are strong, bright and smart enough to stand up for and represent women of colour in various platforms. This contest is open to women from the age of 14 and above . The winner gets a cash prize, plus other benefits as you’ve seen above from Fashion Fair . The winner who eventually becomes the Diva Face of colour will lead our campaign against Depression for Depression Alliance UK . Registration to participate in the competition is now on till end of November 2014. Interested candidates are urged to contact us immediately.
Note to editors
For interviews and any media enquiries,
Please contact Georgia – press@fauntee.com, Georgia@fauntee.com
Call – 02035321354.
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