London, UK- A sought-after speaker, health coach, and Doctor, Dr Nkem Ezeilo (Dr Kem) is proud to offer her latest book; “Inspirational Blueprints” which will serve as an interactive personal development Bible and personal success guide for women who want to take their journey to the next level.
The great principles shared in it have been proven to work in any area of Personal and Professional Life. In March 2015, Dr Nkem Ezeilo was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, a diagnosis which carries a poor prognosis of weeks to months. Determined and strong willed, Dr Nkem knew she would beat it, by practicing what she teaches about Optimal Mindset being the key to success in any area of life, including health.
While on her sickbed – defying medical expectations and prognosis, Dr Nkem decided to start a home based business as she could no longer work at the Clinic. Ever since, she has rapidly risen through the ranks, proving that excuses are merely in the mind. With this experience, she has decided to update her life transforming book, “Inspirational Blueprints for Personal Success for Women”, as a lot had happened since the first edition was published in 2010.
Women would love the new insights, strategies and findings in this revised edition of her book as she has meticulously written the contents with great compassion to liberate women from suffering and negative thinking. This book will serve as daily guide for a life-shaping process to greatness in all areas of life, notwithstanding the profession or career nor social and economic status,
This inspirational book will be made available starting from March on the publisher’s website- www.fauntee.com and readers can place an order now at a discount. Dr Nkem will also be kick starting her inspirational book signing tour at this year’s Divas of color event where readers, especially women would be opportune to receive their signed copies.
About Dr Nkem Ezeilo: Dr Nkem Ezeilo (Dr Kem) is a UK registered GP, Author, sought-after Speaker and Health Coach. She had a private practice at London’s famous Harley Street.
For more information about Dr Nkem Ezeilo and her book, “Inspirational Blueprints”, please visit www.fauntee.com. Journalists and book reviewers can contact Sarah at pr@mbwpr.com or the publisher for review copies by emailing press@fauntee.com
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