Divas of colour 2015 Exhibitors

List of confirmed exhibitors, to exhibit or for any questions, contact us on mbwprmgt@gmail.com


                   Register to attend the free trade show on the 21st of March


Divas of colour International women’s day brings together and highlights the best of women of colour from around the globe. From best brands for women of colour; cosmetics, accessories, fashion, home and any wonderful products targeted townsmen of colour . We will see over 30 brands from around the world showcase on the free buyers entry day trade show on the 21st of March 2015. As the days break, we will continue to update you with latest brands exhibiting on the trade show. Please make sure you register to attend the free entry day section of the event on time .
intimate ties 1
Intimate Ties Couture is the new online shop for afropolitan accessories for both men and women. We believe in communicating the rich heritage of Africa worldwide through our products. Our neckwear, hankies and scarves are conversation starters. All our fabrics are hand made; they are hand woven and hand printed in pure luxury silk.
“We have a social responsibility not to manufacture in large volumes.
We also make custom accessories for wedding grooms and groomsmen.
We are excited to be part of Divas Of Colour 2015 and be sure to visit our stand for exclusive discounts. 15% off on bundle Buys ( more than 4 products) or 10% off on Save & Share when you buy 2 or 3 products!”Marilyn Maher. Owner and Creative Designer.
For more about Intimate ties, visit the website at www.intimate-tiescouture.com

Fashion Fair Logo
Kyna jewellery 2

Kyna Jewellery: – Kyna Jewellery  brand stocks 18k gold plated jewellery and bead sets which includes earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets that are both classic and contemporary, with a statement feel.

Our mission is to make ladies confident and stand out with kynajewellery. Jewellery for all occasions, beautifully balancing sophistication, style and elegance at affordable prices. A lot of my customers say this is the best place to buy beautiful gold and bead sets as they love the unique and affordable prices.

Why 18K Gold Plated and Bead Jewellery Sets?I find that my customers really value the quality that kynajewellery offers. It’s easy to buy cheap high street bargains, but they don’t last and start fading after wearing them a few times.  For more about the brand, please visit: www.estanta.co.uk





‘Old traditional remedies infused with a modern twist’
Ndulge derived from fusing old traditional remedies with today’s modern alchemy for skincare treatments. Ndulge, having seen skin conditions become increasingly more widespread, has set about in giving appropriate, available information for people to understand what to buy and why. We have been fortunate to source fairtrade naturally-active ingredients directly from around the world, enabling farmers both local and national to benefit in some way, and which we wish to develop upon over time. Ndulge skincare remedies stands for handmade, natural, luxurious and environmentally kind no matter your skin condition. Continually seeking ways of improving how our ingredients, materials and packaging of our products is done in a pleasing way.







IbitolaIbitola Ojoye author Acceptance

Ibitola Ojoye-Adebayo is a graduate of the University of Portsmouth with a BSc in Pharmacology.  She is a writer of Contemporary romance with a twist.  Her writing is a portal into her mind and soul.  Sparked with a passion for gothic horror, mystery and romance novels; her top writing influences include Virginia Andrews and Stephen King.  In 2013 she completed her first Novella “Acceptance,” a powerful testimony of love, Loss and Betrayal. “Into the darkness” is her sequel to “Acceptance.” When Ibitola isn’t raising three children with her husband, she continues to inspire and create in various online communities through her writing and research.

Book blurb to Acceptance: Into the darknesAcceptance_ Into the darkness - Ibitola Ojoye-Adebayo & Rae

‘There is that part of me that doesn’t want to think that we need to feel pain and to go into the darkness in order to see the light and to experience the beauty of life. There is another part of me that just wants to hide in the darkness, fearing what others will think of me when they see my own shame, the part of me that I unleashed so unexpectedly.

The thought of those betrayals, those horrible blows to my trust, cracking the very core of my being, made this dark nightmare I now inhabited feel a little more welcoming. But I could still feel the cold weight of the knife in my hand, feel it sinking into Richard’s soft flesh. I had to wake. I had to know if my anger and rage had turned me into a monster. I had to know what those cracks had set free……’



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