Press release: London, 09/02/2016. Divas colour 2016 finalists grace the cover of Pearlwoman magazine.
In an exclusive coverage, Pearlwoman magazine as part of their sponsorship deal, features all about Divas of colour 2016 with the cover graced by the finalists. The issue just like any other would be available free in and around London for free pick up from March, also at the Divas of colour event on 26th March.
“It’s a very exciting feel to have our 2016 finalists grace the cover of Pearlwoman Magazine, one of London’s leading free bimonthly women magazines. It indeed is a real boost to the efforts that Divas of colour is making in celebrating and putting women of colour on the spotlight.” Says Faustina Anyanwu founder Divas of colour.
Pearlwoman magazine has is known for it’s quality content geared towards celebrating the London savvy woman of any race and background. Mostly discussing positive and inspiring topics to empower, inspire and educate women in diverse topics including their body, their career and lifestyle.
PearlWoman magazine supports events which put women in the positive light and tends to give excellent and wide coverage on topics that resonates with the savvy woman.
The issue will have much more details of all the finalists, sponsors, partners, exhibitors and all participating on the Divas of colour 2016 event on the 26th of March 2016. Brands are urged to come and make use of this rare opportunity to expand their reach and network with this excellent coverage.
About Divas of colour
Divas of colour is the largest gathering of world’s most powerful women of colour from around the globe. A special day to celebrate, recognise, reward and discover the best and contributions of women of colour around the world. More details about divas of colour can be found on www.mbwpr.com/divasofcolour2016 and tickets are available on Eventbrite.
For press enquiries please contact us on
Email: pr@mbwpr.com
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