Product Launch Opportunity
Divas of colour offers opportunity for product launches. Are you considering launching your high-end products targeted to women? This is a great opportunity to utilise the already built platform to reach out and get your new product seen by lots of potential buyers of your product or service. There are lots of benefits if you choose to launch your product at Divas of colour 2016, including free publicity, logistics management, free invite , free opportunity to bring you product reviewers and other branding needs. Get in touch for a tailored quote.
Calling fashion designers, trade exhibitors, partners and sponsors .
Save 10% off with code: DEAL offer ends – 01/01/2016
Divas of colour is the largest gathering of world’s most powerful women of colour from around the globe. Divas of colour in it’s 3rd instalment is the most prestigious and lavish gathering for ethnic women in the UK and around the world. 2016 event includes, trade show and exhibition, Fashion show, speeches, fundraising and award dinner. Register below to secure your space to showcase or exhibit on this prestigious platform.
Our Promise to Exhibitors
We will not be accepting more than one exhibitor of the same brand such as Avon, Mary Kay, Forever Living etc. If you stock any of these brands please confirm that there’s no one else before making payments.
All Exhibitors are automatically entered for Diva Brand award. Voting will be announced.
Our interested exhibitors will receive a low cost branding and marketing help throughout the year. Through workshops, free newsletters on PR, branding and strategic marketing.
There is a limited special slot to showcase during the award night. This opportunity is priced differently. Limited to 3 exhibitors only. get in touch please. mbwprmgt@gmail.com
Click image to meet 2016 exhibiting brands
Our showcasing Fashion Designers
You will have the opportunity to receive all year round press coverage from our partner leading magazines – PearlWoman Magazine and C. Hub magazine.
All showcasing designers are automatically entered for Divas of colour Diva Designer of the year.
Designers will have opportunity to showcase 10 pieces of their collection.
We use only experienced models in partnership with Black Afro Queens modeling agency. (If you have any specific needs eg: size, height etc, do let us know. We will only provide female models).
We provide you with make up artists.
Fashion show starts at 1.00pm .
Our interested designers will receive a low cost branding and marketing help throughout the year. Through workshops, free newsletters on PR, branding and strategic marketing.
Divas of colour will hold it’s first ever press and nomination day on the 21st of February 2016, a great opportunity for Designers to also network and grant press interviews.
If you have any specific question please contact us .
There is a limited special slot to showcase during the award night. This opportunity is priced differently. Limited to 3 designers only. get in touch please. mbwprmgt@gmail.com
Terms and Conditions
Please note that payments are non-refundable
Please note: we now have Mary Kay exhibitor and Forever Living products exhibitor. There fore if you’re brand is any of these two brands, please do not register to exhibit. However look out for dates other events during the year, or contact us to join our mailing list.
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2 thoughts on “Divas of colour 2016 Designers and Exhibitors registration”