
This category, we had about 10 nominees, and we’re able to bring you the 3 strong and thriving young presenters . As you can see from their profiles, as young as they are, you continue to go places, push boundaries and do their best to stand out. Join us on the 21st of March 2015 for the award ceremony where the winner will be announced.
Marjorie F. Fiedler, also known as “Minnie Marj” is an Actress, freelance TV/Radio Presenter, Writer, producer currently based in the United Kingdom.
As a Multi-linguist she speaks French, German, English fluently with a very good
knowledge of Dutch, Italian, Japanese and couple of African dialects.
Minnie Marj was born in Accra, Ghana, raised in Germany but she also originates from
Ivory Coast.
She lived couple of years in Paris where she hosted a Radio show with French
Celebrity DJ Noise (Bring the Noise with DJ Noise) on TRACE/GOOM RADIO and also
did the Voice Over for RFI Radio (Couleurs Tropicales). She also contributed with her honest and dynamic reviews of song releases on Factory78.
She is also the former International Publicist of BET Awards Nominee D-BLACK, Hip
Hop sensation Dee Moneey and former manager of talented British / Nigerian
Afro – Pop singer EZI EMELA. She is very pro-active in the Music, Media and
Entertainment industry in the UK, France and some parts in Africa.
Marj is the Europe Coordinator of www.F2FAMagazine.com www.Face2Faceafrica.com ; Program Director of UHE_TV (Urban Hollywood /Entertainment) for France/UK www.uhetv.com ; A Member of Award Winning Entertainment company “EMPIRE
ENTERTAINMENT” based in Ghana www.empireghana.com ; and also a Member of Giving Back International Charity, with its Headquarter in Paris ( Desmond Tutu as a Patron). www.givingbackcharity.com
As a presenter, she had the privilege to conduct One on One interviews with International celebrities such as Reverend Run, Bow Wow aka Shad Moss, Mann, Sarkodie, Lynxxx, Ice Prince, Eric Benet and the list goes on and on. She has hosted several Red carpets in the UK; Miss Casamance in Paris; Miss & Mister Black Beauty pageant in London; Tush Awards & Runway to Stardom in Lagos, the BET Awards
2012 & ‘14 and much more.
As an actress, Minnie has gained acting credits in Theatre productions such as
Games, Hunting for hubbies, Cafe Afrik, Back to Afro, Running Man, Vicious
Cycles, Squeeze, The Hell in Me, Handle with Care and some productions that are yet to be
Her friends and colleagues in the industry describe her as the lady who is always present at the right place at the right time. Well known as bundle of energy, she always spreads the positive vibes and never ceases to show her support wherever she is. Her
professionalism is well recognised on and off set.
Minnie Marj just shot the first season of her TV show “That’s Not Right” which
is set to hit a screen near you very soon.
She is currently on set filming and directing the first movie written by her.
Edma Ohemaa Lawer also known as Ohemaa is a 22 years old lady originally from Ghana. She was born and raise in France but moved to the United Kingdom at the age of 14. In 2011 she developed a passion for the entertainment industry (Tv Personality) to the precise and anything to do with being in front of the camera.
At the age of 18 she started working for an online TV channel called Xposure TV where she was in charge of the social entertainment section of the African community as a presenter. She attended events such as movie premiers, celebrity video shoots and photo-shoots, African beauty pageants and many more. A year after she decided to embark on a journey of becoming the next Miss Ghana UK 2011 which she did extremely well and came out of the competition as the new Miss Ghana UK 2nd Runner up 2011.
She used her title to set a platform for herself and became a house hold presenter and model in the UK/Ghana and also became the official host of Akwabaa UK/Ghana.This gave her the opportunity to travelled around the world to host events such as Miss African Queen Switzerland, Ghana Movie Awards, Project Walkway Ghana, London Bridge top 10, Ghana Party in the park, All white Party Ghana, Party at the Bojo beach, Ghana Independence, Fashion Mist UK, Miss West Africa UK and appear as a guest host on Phamous TV in Ghana, Gh One TV and the famous Divas Show in Ghana on TV3. Recently she hosted the Sarkodie and Amakye Dede concert which was considered to be one of the most successful concerts ever done by Akwaabaa UK at the Dominion Centre. She is also a fantastic model and was the face of Unique Appeal Wedding planner, Ohema Ohene and the brand ambassador of Marikas hair extensions, she was also the first Cover Girl of Effuse Magazine. Edma is a vibrant, humble and talented young lady who is also ready to learn each day and improve her skills. She is a great inspiration to all the young ladies out there especially the fact that she has been able to achieve all of her success at a very young age. She believes in hard work and that it always pays off in the end. Edma is currently studying her final year of BSc (Hons) in Oil and Gas Management and wants to make a great impact in the Oil and Gas industry in Africa especially West Africa.
Ayshia Armani
Ayshia Armani is a London-based Presenter, Journalist and Actor. A specialist in entertainment and celebrity – her fun, laid-back, but equally professional presenting style, has resulted in opportunities to interview some of the entertainment industries finest from Alexandra Burke and BAFTA award winning actor Adam Deacon, to U.S boyband Mindless Behavior and Afrobeat star Iyanya. Friendly and fun, Ayshia encourages her guests to open up, have a good time, and is not afraid to ask the questions that everyone wants to know!
Having worked as a presenter and writer for MTV, The Africa Channel and Live Magazine, Ayshia has an array of presenting experience and is quickly becoming a well-known figure within the UK entertainment industry.
: www.ayshiaarmani.com/about-me
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