
Derek Decutter Clement to sponsor hairstyling on divas of colour 2015. As part of the sponsorship, a lucky ticket holder will win a hair styling makeover worth £250 on the day. Derek Decutter will also be exhibiting his ground breaking hair nourishing products during the trade show in the day. Attend the event
Derek DeCutter Clement is an experienced international hairstylist, author of ten novels and the architect of a nutritious and organic product line.
From his inception, Derek DeCutter Clement has been committed to the health of black hair and the overall development of the industry. His journey began with an apprenticeship at the renowned salon, SPLINTERS as an assistant to Winston Isaacs, in London’s Mayfair. Soon thereafter, he became Artistic Director, a testament of his dedication and expertise.
After owning a string of salons in the UK, Derek DeCutter Clement returned to his birthplace Grenada. In an attempt to utilize the islands natural resources, while there he consulted with many of the Caribbean’s most reputable figures in medicine, education, law and politics, forging long lasting contacts.
Armed with knowledge and an organic base for his impending product line, Derek DeCutter Clement travelled to New York where he penned ten novels.
The books are raunchy to say the least. However the books do take on a serious note, especially in terms of hairbreakage, hair loss and hair growth.
Derek DeCutter Clement is an experienced hairdresser, author of ten novels and the architect of a nutritious and organic product line.
A’la Carte treatment
Derek DeCutter Clement offers a ‘la carte treatment and believes freshly brewed organic hair supplements are the answer to this quandry, therefore his specially formulated protein supplements are prepared right there at the salon from a wide selection of plants, oils, vegetables, fruits, herbs and shrubs in what he terms his A’la Carte treatment regimen. His clients are then treated to nutritious treats to feed hair cells followed by his special tonic for the scalp made from plethors of special selected oils and honey.
Product line
The Derek DeCutter Clement product line concept is specially designed to revitalise, restore, repair and hydrate damaged tresses, and replenish the hair back to its original glory. In short Derek DeCutter Clement refers to this as L.E.X.X.I.C
All products are organic such as shea butter, coconut oil, palm oil, hemp oil, castor oil, rosemary oil etc and grown in the soil of Grenada, Africa and other Caribbean islands. Derek DeCutter Clement also believes in the importance of a healthy body and mind, therefore a well balanced diet (prepared in the salon by Andy Clement), and relaxation techniques and exercises (by personal trainers Tyrone Clement and Eciva Clement) are also available. This is outlined in his novels supporting his commitment to a toxin free lifestyle and above all his signature N.I.S.(no iron styling). Haircuts that are definitive dazzling and in demand.
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