
Milton Keynes based clinical advisor Christy Amalu’s life passion is women’s health. As author of “Well Woman: Getting it right.” (Available on Amazon,) she is passionate about helping women make easy steps to improve and nurture their health and wellbeing, both physical and emotional.
As part of her quest, she has formulated her own perfume, Chamy Eau de Parfum made with 100% natural and organic essential oils, and notes of Tuberose, Plum, Violet, Orchid, Freesia, Jasmine, Lily-of-the-valley – a rich, romantic fragrance with spicy, woody notes. Retailing at £24.99 for a 100ml bottle, Chamy is inspired by the life, glamour, culture and the success of women.
Made from natural ingredients and free from harsh chemicals, Chamy is kind to the earth and gentle on the skin. Chamy is inspired by the life, glamour, culture and the success of women. It will enhance the confidence and boost the self-esteem of every woman that wears it, through the high-quality, long-lasting fragrance that gets others’ attention, for all the right reasons.
Christy says: “Always remember, you have inside you the strength, endurance, tenacity and the passion to achieve your goals and make a positive difference.”
Every use is a timely reminder that anyone can achieve whatever they set their minds to, through hard work and dedication.
Aside from empowering women with this divine fragrance, Christy also has a bigger goal – to see a health centre built in the place where she grew up, at Ehime Mbano in rural Nigeria. Moved to tears by a recent visit, Christy wanted to do something practical to help the deprived children at her old school. The best way help is giving the community free healthcare, to try to reduce the number of deaths from preventable diseases.
“Seeing pupils attend school on bare foot, with their books in their hands, no school bags. Some of these children walk over a mile under rain and intense heat without appropriate attire.”
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