Trappy Pully and Pushy promo

Faustina Anyanwu the Nigerian UK based children’s writer has finally launched herself in the ranks of notable children’s authors with this articulately hilarious story book. Kids are going to fall in love with it. The story is amazingly funny, easy to read and understand, has great message told in a fun and child friendly way. Pictures are colourful and tells the story a great deal such that even zero old babies will enjoy it.
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Nigerian UK based author and publisher Emeka Anyanwu, the founder and publisher of C. Hub magazine, the first and only Afro-creative magazine in the UK endorses Divas of colour 2015.
Mandy Sanghera UN human right activist, motivational speaker, honour based crime , government advisor on vulnerable adults and forced marriages has been confirmed to speak on Divas of colour 2015. In her speech, she would be discussing the impacts of abuse on the mental well being of women such as self harming and eating disorders. […]
Divas of colour 2015, is happy to announce that everything regarding hospitality, hosting and smooth running of this years event has been handed over to J. V Events. “This is another step we’ve taken to give the event the standard it deserves. We believe that women of colour deserve the best and so strive to […]
London, UK, January 7 – Lebara Mobile announces its sponsorship of Divas of colour 2015 as part of its commitment to the community. Lebara mobile backs the event for the first time as the event enters its second year. Divas of colour in just two years has become one of the most prestigious awards for […]
For Immediate release London, 05/01/2015. Contact: 02035321354. C. hub the renowned African creative magazine has just released its top 100 most influential people of 2014 and those to watch out for in 2015. The first ever listing of its kind in the 2 years history of the creative hub magazine takes into account the impacts these individuals […]
Derek Decutter Clement to sponsor hairstyling on divas of colour 2015. As part of the sponsorship, a lucky ticket holder will win a hair styling makeover worth £250 on the day. Derek Decutter will also be exhibiting his ground breaking hair nourishing products during the trade show in the day.
Divas of colour has done well so far, at what point will you say yes! we did it?
Every single step we take is a major one. This is a project we started just like every other thing with just the faith, the enthusiasm, the vision and our ability to keep working and stay focused. Projects are tough with fund let alone without. So I’m always grateful for each successful outing .