C. Hub magazine releases the 100 most influential people of 2014 in the latest issue.

C.Hub issue 9For  Immediate release

London, 05/01/2015.

Contact: 02035321354.

C. hub the renowned African creative magazine has just released its top 100 most influential people of 2014 and those to watch out for in 2015.  The first ever listing of its kind in the 2 years history of the creative hub magazine takes into account the impacts these individuals have made within their career, community, country and people’s life.

Defending the list, Faustina Anyanwu the chief editor says, “this listing has nothing to do with fame or  riches. It is totally based on the impact these individuals are making, one person at a time, one day at a time using the resources within their reach.  The listing is as result of  a whole year research into the works of these individuals, the challenges they had to face and conquer. Also if the message they’re sending is in line with our definition of influence.”

In classifying the selected profiles, different criteria came into play, including: the reputation, the leadership, the skill and the impact being made. How are they changing the world and influencing the next generation?  Both young and old, world leaders and community leaders  have been listed. “This means that wherever you are, your contributions can be noticed and recognised,” say the Chief editor Faustina Anyanwu.

The major forces in the listing are

Errol Douglas – Guyanese

Ronke Ademiliyu

Former UK Prime Minister -Gordon Brown

Lewis Hamilton

Late Dr Myles Munroe

Jess Lee

Pat Utomi

Chuka Umunna :

Jeff Koinange

CNN Hero, Betty Makoni

The full list of those who made it to the influence issue can be seen on the magazine here : http://www.chubmagazine.com/2015/01/c-hub-influence-issue-now/



About C. Hub magazine

C. Hub magazine is the first and only Afro-creative magazine in the UK.  Voted the best magazine of the year 2014.

C. hub magazine tells the story behind every creativity. The no junk magazine since its creation in 2012, has gradually become one of the most authentic African magazines in UK and around the world.  C. hub magazine continues to set the trend in the creative industry, recognising the best African creative, linking Africa with the rest of the world.  C. Hub magazine is available in print, digital and on the App Store .

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