We’re excited to have you back for the 3rd edition of Divas of colour . This year, we promise you an even bigger, better and more daring event with our partners, exhibitors and sponsors.
Divas of colour as usual is a whole day event comprising of Trade show, fashion show and award night. Each session of the event has its separate ticket . Please make sure you’ve chosen the event you like to attend.
DATE: 26 March 2016
Time: 12 noon – 5pm, 6.30 – 11.30pm
VENUE: Hilton Hotel Tower Bridge London , SE1 2BY (2 mins walk from London Bridge tube station ;nearest station too).
Posted by Divas of colour on Monday, 22 February 2016
Frequently asked questions.
- Can children attend? Yes. Children can attend trade and fashion show but not in the night.
- Are children paying? For trade show no. For Fashion show yes children over 10 years must have their tickets.
- Is there packing at the venue? There is a limited parking space on the street, these are not guaranteed on a busy day.
- Any food or refreshments served? Check that your ticket has that package.
- Will there be ticket sales at the door? NO. Ticket sales will close a week before the event.
- Can I attend all the events? Any concession with the tickets? Yes. See the packages below.
- I’m from the press. How can I get press pass? Follow the link here
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