Divas of colour International women’s day 2015 receives yet another boost with a major sponsorship from AfroDeity Ltd.
Faustina Anyanwu the founder says, “again, we’re very much delighted and encouraged by this sponsorship from one of our first exhibitors on Divas of colour’s first outing. Seeing a brand that was launched on our platform grow this big and coming for the second time to be a part of the event is a great boost. It goes to say what we’re doing is viable and a welcomed initiative. I’m exceptionally thankful and excited at the same time to have AfroDeity especially the CEO Alicia, a very beautiful woman heart and soul. Divas of colour is all about discovering the best of women of colour and in just 2 editions, we’re beginning to make the right marks.
In the deal, AfroDeity has promised to give sponsorship directly to the Diva Face (Pageant) category of the event. Giving a one year brand ambassador deal to the Diva face winner. Diva face pageant is a different approach to helping young women of colour to begin to love themselves as they are. On Diva Face, it’s not only looking for a beautiful face, rather, the competition is looking for strong, talented, focused and young women with vision that will be worthy to represent the woman of colour on any stage in the world. It goes beyond physical beauty. AfroDeity will not only provide cash prize for the winner, but will also support the runner ups with product giveaways.
“I’m particularly excited for the models and young women who will be taking part on this second edition come March 2015. They thoroughly have so much in stock for them.” – Georgia , Event manager.
The company AfroDeity is an online based retailer of natural Caribbean Inspired hair and skin products, whose ultimate goal is to help small farmers in the Caribbean reinvigorate the declining agricultural industry to stop a dependence on importation of essential foodstuff. AfroDeity was founded around the knowledge of healing herbs, oils and butters passed down through the generations and culminating in a great interest in science. As such combining beauty, science and a commitment to the rural Caribbean.
Their newest product line the Luxury ‘Joliette’ Collection made from oils and butters inspired by the Caribbean which was first launched on divas of colour first outing, is a luxury hair care brand for women of colour of style. And has since received huge recognition and reviews from both women of colour, media and the beauty world. The luxurious blend not only look and smell amazing, but give your hair the special care it needs with no harsh chemicals or artificial colourants. (http://store.afrodeity.co.uk)
“I created Joliette in honour of my mother, for whom the brand is named and for my daughter and her growing head of gorgeous curls” Alicia Thornthwaite, Owner , AfroDeity Ltd
Speaking on the sponsorship, Alicia Thornthwaite Owner AfroDeity says,
“We at AfroDeity are so pleased to once again be a part of Divas of Colour, we official launched our own brand of luxury products at ‘Divas of Colour 2014’ and made so many lasting connections that we wanted to once again take part this year as a sponsor. Not only do we get to support a worthwhile charity and all the people who come together to make this a one of a kind event, we also get to interact and network with the most amazing women of colour. “
About Divas of colour:
Divas of colour International women’s day is the largest gathering of world’s most powerful women of colour from around the globe. A special day set aside to celebrate, recognise, reward, and discover the best and contributions of women of colour. The annual event commemorates with world’s International women’s day every March, though may not necessarily be on the 8th of March. The event comprises of Day section of Trade show and exhibition and the evening section of fashion show, pageant and award ceremony. It is so spectacular that it captures the imagination of all women of all ages, colour, class and status. An inspiring day of self discovery and appreciation for women in general.
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