For Immediate Release .
Divas of Colour 2016 partners with Black Afro Queen Modeling agency
Black Afro Queens modeling agency to provide professional models for Divas of colour 2016 fashion show.
London, 27/12/2015. Organisers of Divas of colour International women today announce the exciting partnership with Black Afro Queens modeling agency to provide over 20 professional models for the 2016 Divas of colour fashion show.
Divas of colour in just 2 years has set itself as a global brand, the most authentic and well designed platform to celebrate the great achievements of women of colour from around the world. In a bid to continue to create the seal of quality, Divas of colour partners with only the best organisations, individuals and brands.
BlackAfroQueens is an International Model/Talent agency which encourages, inspires and empowers young ethnic women from around the world, founded in 2014 by Andrew Bannon. This agency is looking for the chance to showcase ethnic women through modelling, media, design, creative and performing industries.
Andrew Bannon said, “BlackAfroQueens are pleased and honoured to be a partner of Divas Of Colour 2016. BlackAfroQueens has the same core values as Divas Of Colour 2016 to encourage, inspire and empower women of colour from all around the world .We fully support the chosen charity and all the people who come together to make this a truly amazing event, and finally we get the chance to interact and network with the most amazing women of colour.”
Faustina Anyanwu founder Divas of colour said, “we’re thrilled to have Black Afro Queens modeling agency to be our official partner to source models for this year’s Divas of colour fashion show. Divas of colour is created to bring back quality, authenticity as well as highlight the best of women of colour. Therefore, our aim is to make it the best at all times, give our showcasing designers a great production worthy of their labels. I have a huge trust in Black Afro Queens modeling agency in getting us the best models to achieve this.”
In the days to come, you will be able to see the models already booked for the Divas of colour 2016 fashion show. This is a great opportunity for Designers to get their spots confirmed if they do not want to miss the largest and best production yet.
Black Afro Queen modeling agency will also provide ushers for the event and will perform a Grand Finale with all BAQ Models/Dancers/Singer as you will see. 2016 Divas of colour is a no miss as fashion show for the first time will run concurrently with trade show during the day.
Find out more about Black Afro Queens on the website – www.blackafroqueens.com
and follow them on Social media – @blackafroqueens instagram
blacafrokweens facebook twitter.
For updates on the 2016 Divas Of Colour : www.mbwpr.com/divasofcolour2016 ,
Follow on : Twitter : @Divasofcolour
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