Press Release
For Immediate release
5 UK Nollywood ladies grace the cover of PearlWoman magazine Christmas edition.
Unleashed! The UK Nollywood ladies give us exclusive insider insight into the ever growing industry in association with Chamy Perfume.
London UK, 24/10/2015: In the last 5 years, Nollywood in the UK has steadily recorded a tremendous growth both in the in the number of movies produced, quality and revenue generation. More and more talent discovered every now and then. Such as the cover stars of this issue – HRM Theodora Ibekwe- Oyebade, (middle), Funmi Ogidan-Bello (immediate left to HRM), Tolu Yesufu (second on the left) and from the immediate right , Adaeze Etoniru and Nnenna Ani.
A new wave of women producers are emerging with great and high quality produced movies with very tight storyline away from the usual loud and aggressive, traditional and rituals focused stories that has almost become synonymous with Nollywood movies.
Movies like Shameful Deceit by HRM Theodora Ibekwe-Oyebade, Murderer in law by Tolu Yesufu, 18 carat mama by Helen Gold, Basira in london by Philippa Abraham and Purity of heart by Maureen Okafor are just a few women produced projects that has hit London cinemas, pulling a standstill premiere in London. The inputs of the women in the industry can no longer be ignored.
In the Christmas issue of Pearlwoman magazine sponsored by Chamy Perfume, five hot Nollywood ladies discuss their insider views raw and unapologetically. Telling of their journeys becoming actresses, the experiences and what needs to be improved.
According to the magazine’s Chief Editor Faustina Anyanwu, this special issue will be on the spotlight at the upcoming C. Hub magazine CA award on the 21 November 2015 at Hilton Hotel. Guests will be treated with special photo opportunities with the cover stars on the night. Guests will also be able to walk away with their free copies.
Access more exclusive cover shots here .
About PearlWoman magazine.
PearlWoman magazine is a free bimonthly women magazine for the educated, inspiring and successful London woman and any woman who knows her worth. PearlWoman is set to bring a new dimension on how women are portrayed in today’s media, bringing into focus more substance to the relevance of women than just their body and how the look.
About Chamy Perfume.
Chamy is a unique perfume geared towards any woman who wants the best for her wellbeing physically and spiritually. Launched earlier this month to give women the option for a lasting fragrance made with natural essentials. There’s an exclusive PearlWoman readers deal to buy one get one half price when you mention PearlWoman.
For more information contact us:
Phone: 02035321354
Email: pr@mbwpr.com
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