All-new “luxurious packaging” of the fragrance that “speaks to every woman” wows with fashionable and stylish characteristics.
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom – June 2, 2016 – Appealing to a wide generation of women and exuding characteristics that have garnered the attention of a myriad of cultures and races, CHAMY Eau de Perfume has become recognized by its legions of fans for not only its powerful yet alluring scents, but also for the 100-percent natural and organic essential oils in its products.
CHAMY recently announced a repackaging campaign for its premium Sparklescent, the alluring fragrance now offered in “luxurious packaging” that is both fashionable and stylish.
“CHAMY was – and continues to be – inspired by the life, glamour, culture and success of women everywhere…an expression of the modern woman’s independence, strength and impeccable taste,” says CHAMY Eau de Perfume spokesperson. “A CHAMY woman is determined, yet never overbearing, and the new luxurious and stylish packaging encompassing our Sparkle fragrance, provides a beautiful complement to this determined, savvy woman’s look.”
The summer Bold entrance campaign is fronted by two young and successful International models, who are truly definition of the modern global woman. The models captures the global essence of CHAMY perfume, cutting across ages, culture and style of a world class woman.
19 year old Kiane Ashman -Swaby a Jamaican super model, winner of Top Model of Colour season 8 exudes the boldness CHAMY Sparkle offers you from red carpet to centre stage, the confidence to see the world as your runway all day everyday.
20 year old Ukrainian International model Olga Klimova carries that enchanting, romantic aura of the CHAMY sparkle. A drizzle of powerful sensual elegance of CHAMY perfume that draws all the attention for all the good reasons.
CHAMY Perfume represents an authentic, desirable and luxury-oriented brand for women who know their worth. The timeless and alluring beauty – and exceptional quality – of CHAMY makes it the most desired gift a distinguished gentlemen could give to express the depth of his love and commitment to the woman he cherishes. Indeed, when the right words can’t be found, #SayitwithCHAMY.
CHAMY Sparkle is available in a number of package options including box sets via CHAMY’s website, at www.CHAMYPerfume.com. Follow CHAMY on twitter – @Chamy_perfume
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