Last Saturday C. Hub magazine Creativity Award (CA award) awarded 42 highly creative individuals. Of the 42, there were 6 ICON recognition recipients of which HRM was one of them. Along side Dr Alistair Soyode founder BEN TV, Mr Akin Salami founder OHTV, Pauline Long founder BEFFTA, Dr Nkem Ezeilo (celebrity healthy Lifestyle GP), Emmanuel Anyiam, founder British Urban Film Festival and HRM Theodora Oyebade , the pioneer and president of Nollywood UK producers and actor’s guild, movie producer and PR guru.
Her Royal Majesty was recognised for her role in bringing Nollywood to a lime light in the UK, creating and making ways for the growth of African Film industry in the UK and Europe.
Co-Director of the award’s body CA awards, Faustina Anyanwu said, “HRM Theodora Oyebade is a phenominal woman and a prominent face as far as Nollywood UK is concerned. She has played a unique and important role not just in the movie industry but in the general entertainment and creative industry, she has supported so many to be able to take off in their visions and career parts. This is why we have bestowed on her this recognition.”
No doubt HRM’s presence was one of the highlights of the event as she and her husband Chief Ayo Oyebade gave a spectacularly romantic dance to Carol Jiani’s soulful performance to the amazement of the audience who kept clapping and vividly enjoyed it.
Queen Theo looked radiant and beautifully glamorous in her Black lace and Blue satin full dress by the fabulous designer Helen Peggy designs , make up by Tisco Beauty , and hair elegantly designed by Libeks Beauty Consultant.
In fact she stole the show especially on the C. Hub magazine #Bluecarpet . Now we can not wait to see what she comes up with as 2016 rolls in for another creative year.
For the full press release for the star studded CA award 2015, please click here . Follow the convo on Twitter and Instagram on @C_hubmagazine with the hash tag #CAaward2015
Some more moments at the CA award .
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